Whether a bollard for pedestrians, a guide post or a parking bollard, the bollard is a key piece of street furniture and equipment for roads and pavements. As well as being functional and robust, the PROCITY outdoor bollard is also designed to mark out the city and enhance the urban landscape. That is why we offer a wide choice of finishes, styles and RAL colours.
Our wide range of metal bollards in steel / galvanised steel / stainless steel is manufactured exclusively in France. And in many cases, its design and finish blend seamlessly with other items of protective street furniture, such as street barriers and bollards.
Fixed or removable, each of our urban bollard models is designed to meet the needs of public authorities. The main aim of these urban equipment solutions is to delineate pedestrian areas from traffic lanes (motorists, cyclists, etc.), while preventing cars from parking on pavements or "illegal parking" on pavements. What’s more, some of our models have built-in chains for better access control.
Do you have a specific project in mind for your street design or urban development project? Don’t hesitate to get in touch.