Where and why install a smoking shelter ?
A smoking shelter is outdoor furniture generally placed in business sites. It is an exterior structure for smokers to be protected from elements and bad weather. Some models even have front and rear panels to protect from wind. Usually made of glass with a metal framework, it fits in every setting : yard, garden…
When choosing the perfect smoking shelter for your needs, you have to think about several points. First of all, the depth of the shelter is really important. It is decided depending on how many smokers will use it.
Some smoking shelters are wider than normal to guarantee everyones’ personal space and respect social distance. Before choosing a smoking shelter, make sure to approximately know how many potential users it will welcome.
With the appearance and popularization of electronic cigarettes, smoking shelters are now also intended to receive vape smokers.

Modulo smoking and vaping shelter

Voute "L" smoking and vaping shelter

Voute Classic Smoking and Vaping Shelter

Milan Smoking and Vaping Shelter

Economy Smoking and Vaping Shelter
Procity, the guarantee of high quality materials
Choosing a shelter on Procity is the assurance of a product presenting every option you need. You can choose the color of the structure for the majority of models : gray, white, blue, ornge, brown, red, copper, black.. Customize your smoking shelter to matchi it to the rest of its environnement. There is also the possibility to choose the depth and height you want depending on the space you have.
Most of the smoking shelters available on Procity are made of light and sturdy materials : steel and aluminum. Shelters are placed outdoors so their fabrication must be tough through. These materials are stainless, robust and anti-UV treated with a polycarbonate dome. The paint used on these shelters is galvanized to protect it from corrosion.
Options available on Procity smoking shelters
Shapes are curved and the structure is thin to be as light as possible. It also has reinforced safety glass to avoid any break due to weather or impacts. Every part of these smoking shelters are tied by a pinch-grip system. It makes it easy to assemble and disassemble to replace a part that has been vandalized.
Among many options, a very useful one is the addition of ashtray bins in the smoking shelter. It is convenient for smokers who are provided with a bin right next to them. Also, it will highly reduce pollution, it takes two years for a cigarette end to decompose. It is also possible to add signage to inform anyone that this shelter is a “Smoking Zone”.
Are you looking for high quality urban furniture that combines practicality and design ? Shop now on Procity and find the best smoking shelter for your site.